Sunday 10 April 2016

The best feeling in the world is when you just stop having feelings for someone. Romantic, friendship, everything. You look at them and just feel nothing. When you just feel at peace because that person is gone from your life. That’s how you know that they should stay gone.


  1. The way I see breakups is that you're that much closer to never doing it again. Idk. It's not the best way to look at it but you're gonna break up a lot before you find the person you're meant to be with. And you may even break up with the person you believe you're meant to be with. Life is weird but it works out in ways you don't know

    1. I really like your perspective and you’re right honestly. You do learn something new from each breakup. each time is a new learning experience that can then be applied to your next relationship. thanks for commenting :)

    2. No problem :) I just try to put a positive perspective on anything I can

    3. I love people like you. Keep at it my friend 💕
