Wednesday 28 April 2021

I know someone broke your trust and it's hard to let people in but this world is too heavy to carry on your own. It's okay to trust again.

Trust. Trust is something that takes a lot to build up but is so easily broken. Personally, I feel that I try to always look at life as “what’s meant to be will be”, “it needed to happen that way for better things” “there’s a lesson” etc. I believe this positive outlook has helped me in a lot of ways because I have definitely grown so much and deserve better than some places I’ve been but at the same time I didn’t realise that in always moving forward I begun to not trust anyone anymore. I began to question when good things happened to me and always felt the need to over-complicate something simple because it was too good to be true.

I still struggle with this now but I’m aware of it, whereas, before it was in my subconscious that I was doing so.

If you’re feeling the same way, just know that it’s not your fault that you have a hard time trusting, it was your circumstances that led you here. But also know that, you deserve to trust again and it’s okay to do so because this world is too heavy to navigate on your own and not everyone is going to break your trust. Rooting for you, as always🤍

PS. The world may be too heavy to carry but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve the world, because you do.🤍