Thursday 6 October 2016

I know it's only October..

2016 (so far) really redefined the concept of loneliness for me. People always differentiate between being alone and lonely, and they’re right. I don’t want to romanticise this into another boring and predictable post. But no matter how many people are in your life, no matter how many messages you have waiting for you, no matter how many people you make plans with, unless if you click with them, you will find yourself always seeking for more and more company and never being satisfied with who you surround yourself with. This doesn’t mean that you can’t appreciate your current friends. Matter of fact, your friends can be so good to you and you can love them to death but that won’t stop you from wanting something else, something more, something they cannot provide. There’s attributes that only certain people can bring out in you. There’s some conversations that just flow better if you’re in the right crowd. There’s people who inspire each other to be better in a way that others cannot. May next year, 2017 be the year that I find like-minded individuals that I feel like I fit in with.