Friday 9 April 2021

It is okay to still wonder how they are even if it is no longer your place to ask.

Sometimes, the one you love the most, is the one who left your life for reasons you can’t understand or don’t want to understand.

It’s okay to still wonder how they are even if they hurt you. It’s okay to want the best for them. It’s okay to sometimes wish you still had access to them enough to ask if they’re okay.

Other times, this is why you hold on to them even though you know it’s time to let go.

Will they be okay without me?

Will I be okay without them?

Are two questions you find yourself asking because you don’t want to lose access to this person when it’s all said and done.

But remember, it’s okay to still love them and put yourself first.

Often times, when you love someone; you will always care about them and want to make sure they’re okay. And that’s okay.

Remind yourself it’s okay to let go, and it’s okay to still wonder how they are.

Just remember to ask yourself the same question, too. How are you?