Sunday 21 July 2013

Sunday..... ALREADY... :P

............... and nearly Monday soon in about half an hour.... :O

So as I said yesterday, today I went to the BLIAWA new member welcoming session, where I was presented my BLIAWA vest... lol :P famz said they were gonna come with me today... but they bailed at the last minute... wakawaka... leaving me all alone :P *I swear majorities of the time I was waiting in the sitting area.... I'm labelled as a "l-o-n-e-r"*

Side pic: the vest perfectly folded in a plastic sleeve-ish. I'll take a pic of me wearing this in next Sunday's post cos I have to wear it that day, as I'm part of the one of many groups to be an offering person at the Sangha offering ceremony at the temple.

Below's the information if your in Perth and also interested lol:

Date: 28th July (Sunday)
Time: Around 10ish am at the main hall
Venue: Fo Guang Shan Temple (the one in Guildford, I'm pretty sure it's the only one too at Perth haha :P so it will be fairly easy to find)

As soon as it was finished, walked out of the main doorway, got given the "holy water" - does that make me very holy haha? and some kind of red bean bun (dunno what's it called, got a name... that I know of haha XD) by a Reverend hehe :)

Then, went down to the dining hall to have lunch.... by myself :( but other than that, food's great! LOL. Very healthy too... considering twas vegetarian XD haha....

After lunch, had a rehearsal for the run-downs of what's gonna have to happen next Sunday :P swear the prac was soooo long that I kept on yawning lol.

La di da.... time ticked and ticked... FINALLY... ended! So good to get home straightaway afterwards haha! :P

Took this photo before I leave! The sky's pretty wow ay? ;) *so random*

So ya, that's it!
Goodnight everyoneeee! :)

Velene xoxoxo