Tuesday 7 January 2014

It is so darn cute when a guy worries! When they take the time to constantly check up on you, texts you multiple times when you’re delaying in reply. When they call you to make sure you are doing okay. When they tell you stupid jokes just to cheer you up when you’re sad, and they remind you to put on something warm when you’re sick. I actually find guys who worry really adorable, even if they’re doing these little actions unintentionally, as long as they don’t cross the line of annoying. 
“You have to find the right distance between people. Too close, and they overwhelm you. Too far, and they abandon you.” - Hanif Kureishi  

=獨家首播= 羅志祥SHOW 想逃 HD官方版MV

A totally random post I know ay.... but ya Show Lo's "想逃" (english: Run Away) official MV is finally out! :) It is so emotional and touching! I admit his newest album, "Lion Roar" (in chinese: 獅子吼) is real good! I myself is not really a mega fan of him, I like his music, but not to the extent where I will overly spam my friends with his music kinda gist haha XD