Friday 31 May 2019

Grounding exercise

Grounding is a great technique when you feel that anxiety and panic coming on. When you contemplate and ponder on about the past or worrying about the future. If you feel disconnected from the world around you. It can help you stay in the moment.

Grounding exercise is used during a panic attack, when you need to stay calm, or any time you feel disconnected from your body.

Look around and you. Identify and name:

- 5 things you can see

- 4 things you feel

- 3 things you hear

- 2 things you smell

- 1 thing you taste

I learned this during my therapy (in the early days) and since, I have used it often for a long time.
It is easy to remember and it forces you to step back from your thoughts which is really helpful.

Thursday 30 May 2019

Stop. Relax. The world is not on fire all of the time. The skies are not about to tumble onto you. You are safe. Supported. Breathe in, breathe out.

Wednesday 29 May 2019

“1. You must let the pain visit. 2. You must allow it teach you. 3. You must not allow it overstay.”

— Ijeoma Umebinyuo, three routes to healing