Friday 20 May 2016

You think that you’re never going to get over your last heartbreak and that the tears will never cease, but then.. slowly but surely, when you least expect it.. comes a day when you find somebody who makes you feel happy again - and not that pretend type of happy that turns into sadness when nobody’s around - but truly and genuinely happy. Someone who makes you question why you were ever sad in the first place. All of a sudden, you find yourself looking forward to the future rather than crying over the past, and you’re finally able to sleep well at night again.

So for anyone currently battling depression and heartbreak, chin up and don’t lose hope because I promise that there’s so much more in store for you :‘3 
A lot of the time it’s really not that deep. Like there’s not some deep meaningful reason for everything. Most of the time when people don’t act like they give a shit about you they really actually genuinely don’t.