Wednesday 19 May 2021

Life is not about dwelling on the choices you could have made. It is about understanding the choices you did make needed to happen this way for a reason. Perhaps the outcome of this, saved you from a far more unfavourable outcome of what could have been.

The choices you made have brought you here today for a reason, it it was meant to be any other way it would have happened. I know it hurts and I know you don’t deserve to deal with the pain but I also know you’re going to be so much better after you overcome what you’re going through, I also know that you wouldn’t be the person you are today if things had been any other way and I think you have an amazing soul and I’m glad you’re you. Everything’s going to be okay.🤍

PS. Don’t feel upset over the choices you’ve made, it brought you here for a reason and I’m proud of you.🤍