Saturday 1 May 2021

You deserve better than you settle for the person they are settling to be.

It doesn’t matter how much love you have for someone, you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. It doesn’t matter if you see their “potential” only THEY can reach that potential and it is not up to you to find it for them. 

You know you deserve better but you settle because you love them when they don’t even love themselves enough to want better for themselves. If they’re settling for this version of themselves, doesn’t mean you have to as well. 

Prioritise yourself and what you actually deserve and I know it hurts sometimes but the reality is it may not be them that you need after all. You’re going to be okay.🤍

PS. This is something I struggled to understand for a while but honestly the moment I understood it, I realised my worth is so much more than to settle for certain people in my life and it’s so free-ing to let go. I know it’s hard but sometimes we have to find great discomfort to finally reach true comfort.🤍