Saturday 3 June 2017

You know that feeling where you think about that someone, and there’s an ache in your chest?

It’s only them you think about.
It’s only them who constantly crosses your mind and seep through your darkest secrecy corners of the mind.
The ones who slowly disappear from your presence. To the daily text message, phone calls, skyping, good-mornings and good-nights.

That pain that grows on you as time progresses on.
That heartache that doesn't dissolve away, but rather leaving an unclosed wound.
An unreasonable unclosure door that is left behind.
The need for closure builds on.
Just wanting a reason to be said, yet only silence is creeping in.

Opening your eyes wide open to silence.
Waking up to no missed calls.
Not being able to hear their voices.
No more wake up calls or sleepy voices, but waking up to a world that is on its end.