Sunday 7 June 2015

Sometimes I can’t help but wonder...

... did I really love you for who you are, or did I love you because of the way you made me feel?
Maybe I didn't love you after all, I just loved the times we shared, the things we did for each other and how I’ll never be able to think of loving someone else, the way I loved you.


  1. How do you get over a fuckboy?

    1. :3 this is random... ok here goes:
      1) Change his name in your address book to something ridiculous like fuckboy. You will be less tempted to text him back!
      2) Ignore him and eventually delete his contact off your phone.
      3) If he keeps pestering you or getting up on your nerves, BLOCK him.
      4) Go out with your friends. Have your “me” time. Live your life. Have fun!
      5) When you meet someone new who actually makes a real effort to get to know you and treats you well, go for it.
      The thing is that a fuckboy will always try to talk to you – this does not mean he is really interested in you. For all you know, he could be talking to six other girls. You just got to be strong and ignore :) Good luck x
