Friday, 26 August 2016

We all forget.

We will all forget the most important things to us. No matter what or whom they are, or what affect they had on our lives, we will forget them. The feelings that they evoked will slowly diminish into the deepest parts of our minds. The reactions they drew from our bodies will fade away until even the slight hints of remembrance are gone. Everything that seems so big to us now will be dead soon. If not physically dead, then it will simply cease to exist in our own minds. Someone else may feel the pain or happiness, depending on what it was, but we will lose it eventually. We will lose it all.

To make us feel smaller, everything about our existence will soon end. Our bodies will die, and with it, so does our personality, our jokes, our laughs, our smiles; our everything will be dead. Memories of us will fade in the backs of others’ minds until they too are also dead, and the rest of us shall die with them. We may stop impacting the rest of the world above us, but we will forever lie with the ones who always mattered to them; whom we really mattered to.

Here’s the hoping that our life is long and enjoyable, for when it’s over, it won’t matter.
Here’s hoping we are left to rest in our graves with the people we love, meaning we let go of the negative grudges and hate we have for people who have hurt us.
Here’s hoping that we are able to find the people who we care about and who care about us before we end up in a ditch together.

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