Monday, 25 July 2016

Alohaaa everybody! I'm baack from Taiwan, here's the post I wrote on facebook :)

"I am missing Taiwan already :') 這段旅程遇到了好多人事物 也學了好多東西! Went solo travel on the last day and I realised: 
(a) I'm free to adventure as I please, and it feels awesome (yes it's awesome too when travelling in a group), there is no need to compromise when travelling alone. Travelling alone gave me the choices of travelling to where I want, when and however I want to – all with a liberating degree of indulgence; and (b) gained a deep understanding of the destinations I’ve visited. I felt like I feel more immersed in my surroundings. I noticed the unique quirks, and subtle character that truly makes a place what it is. And and and and!! Got to meet 炎亞綸 Aaron Yan in real life and shook his hands omg!🙈 Transit-ing in KL right now and will be back in Perth soon. 就快回到快節奏的生活 是時候從夢中醒來了 為下一次的旅程而努力 加油😂 Will be editing travel vlogs and be uploading them on youtube when I go back!"

Can't believed the past 17 days had gone so fast! 

And also from fb:

"Did some reflecting over the trip and decided to write them down. I only see the end but often neglect the process. There is much to be experienced even if the end isn't ideal. I will stop giving up before even trying. I guess sometimes it's the journey that counts. Work on things within my capacity and not worry about what is beyond my control. Know that at least I tried. (How hard should I try; I've yet to figure out) Maybe life doesn't have to be a struggle. Accept that some things are not meant to be. Letting go. 旅行的心情 - 因為生活太匆忙 總是只能在旅行的時候才能放慢腳步慢慢觀察眼前的人事物 然後認識不一樣的自己 也許想法會改變 也許會對事情改觀 我也在這次的旅程中找到新的想法。"

I have learnt A LOT while travelling, all in - the conference and post camp itself.

Anyways,  I shall leave it here for now, gotta go back and start editing my travel vlogs :) 
I'll be back posting regularly from now on too :)

Velene xoxo