I'm so sleepy. Had a headache before. Luckily it's gone. Thank gooodness! :D Thought I do this post before today ends.... cos I knew if I leave it let's say "I'll do it tomorrow"..... it will never resurface tomorrow haha xD just like what I said before for the ball post.... never did I actually do one and when I had that thought of doing one, my memory has faded a tad bit thus couldn't upload a full post :3 So please excuse my rambling... if I do ramble on haha xD I have a feeling this is gonna be a long post lool.... probably of me dragging on and on and by tomorrow, my reaction would be like erm what the hell was I writing about last night and by then, after all the editing, it will look better, cleaner and more finer! hahahahhaha xDDD I dare you to read on lol jokes haha ;) but please do :) or else your making me feel like THIS! :P
I. Almost. Died. Today.
..... like no jokes. HAHAHA.
But hey, I'm still here lolol busily typing away xD
Let's start from the beginning shall we? :)... to see why.... ooh this is getting exciting haha!
3 of us went! So aka me, my cuzzy (Nicole) and my bestie (Vivian)! Bought the tickets early at IGA so only costed $24 each :) or else the door sale is like 27 bucks XD
Way before the show, we planned to meet up at the train station to go together however who know, plan can change even till the last minute haha XD both Nicole and I ended up getting dropped off at the show and Viv had to come by herself by using the train. Since the royal show is pretty damn big, Nicole and I were dropped off at Gate 5, the gate that is located totally opposite end of the royal show compared to the main entrance, and that's where Viv was waiting xD Thus, it was a long walk haha since we were a bit unfamiliar with the setting lol. However, since we were walking, we familarised ourselves with the surroundings and pretty much went "wow" around like everything looked so brilliant that we were like omg we have to find viv fast, so we can do all this LOL XD That was how exciting we were! :D Good feelings!!!!
After a tad confusion with finding each other, finally we found each other!! :D Ahhh that joyous moment :') hehehhehe....
And off we went.......!
Chapter 1: KIDDY LAND
First stop!.... THE KIDDY LAND lol everywhere were kiddies..... and we're like the oldies except parents/grandparents taking care of their kids/grandkids :P Went to the ticket booth, there was a special price of 6 tokens for $30.... pretty good deal so 2 rides for each of us! :D The first ride we went was called, "Traffic Jam", lol it was really funny cos there were so many kids there and we pretended we're like hell scared and stuff cos it spinned. (thus accumulated to the dizziness/headache I had at the end ;P) and we pretended to scream. like literally. scream our asses out. mainly was viv lol and she was recording herself whole way through LOL. And the funniest part was the kids' reactions. They looked at us and went like "wtf is wrong with us" LOL XDD Their expressions. man. No words can perfectly describe it. haha. Like one of the girl, she was like ehh as if the ride is nothing.... kids these days.... lol... swear like when I was a kid back then, I get hell excited of all these rides and stuffs.... I guess these days, kids are more "technologised" with these smartphones/tablets etc that these rides don't attract them much!! Second ride was called "Rockin' Tug", it's like a kiddy version of pirate ship lol, it wasn't that bad lol! And that was it... end of the kiddy land! Looking back, it was an amazing idea to start the show with some kiddy rides cos what we did later.... was more horrific! :P
Chapter 2: The Thrillers!
So after the kiddy land, we made our way towards the thrilling rides and we noticed that it's quite a trek away and it was damn hot!! So we took the chair lift to get there! Below's the collage that portrayed the pictures I took while I was chair-lifting LOL XD
The sky looked fabulous!! :D hehe...
On the last picture (bottom right) shows the speed and adrenaline rides! So intenseee!
Note: The following rides are not in any particular order. I grouped aka collage all these photos I took on my phone and uploaded on here, can't really justify the photo (bit complicato! and cbf too lol :P such dedication) but ya, everything's mixed! :)
"Haunted Dark Ride" was the second ride we went, only Nicole and I went cos Viv's scared of scary stuffs. LOL. That ride was a troll. Not scary. At. All. It's a joke. LMAO. All we experienced were just someone touching us on the back, then a demon-like skeleton figure popped in front of us, and someone said "watch-out!" but all we felt at the end was just a swoosh of some sort of furry thingy on our bare necks!!! XD So ya in my opinion, this ride wasn't worth the money!! :X
Bottom left is called the "Nitro" - we went on this ride before we leave aka the last ride. Dude. It was so intenseee! Viv and I went on it and Nicole filmed it for us! It was raining as well in the middle of our rides so we got even more drenched. Like as you can see in the video below:
Bottom pic: The Nitro when it's flung up-ish :X
BOOSTS - what Nicole and I had after a couple of rides at the start, we were gonna get icecreams but we couldn't find any decent ones near where we were. It was so hot before. Thus it was a great choice. Until. The RAIN came. Lovely. Just plain lovely. And neither 3 of us brought umbrella/s. Even amazing-er! :P We ducked under so many stalls lol :P
More pictures from the chair-lift!

Yes. The wind blew in our way. Thus explained the hair here and there LOL. This was taken on the chair-lift, on the way to the thrilling rides!
Bottom picture: the "Ranger". The first ride we went! It was a 360 degrees of adrenaline pumping action! it was sooo sooo sooooo soooooooo wicked!!!!! At the top of the ride as in I was upside down, I could feel the pressure hitting me so bad, and I was holding on the erm "safety belt"? (no idea what it's called but it's the only word that comes up on my mind), and I was like please don't you dare fall apart. It was a near-to-death experience kind of thing, even worse than anything I've experienced before with near-to-death incidences. One word. Intense. Never again.

WAVESWINGER! Very swinging ride LOL XDD Pretty good, not too bad haha!

"Python Loop Coaster" - the only coaster of the thrilling rides in the royal show! It was alright! Except ears got banged here and there :( It hurts... And they were like put your bag under the seating area. Not safe at all. Cos when it comes to the 360 degrees part, I had to hold my bag so tight in fear of it getting dropped out. And it nearly did. But it didn't :D
Went to Gravitron aswell but didn't end up taking picture of it cos it was raining. Everything's wet thus ceebs getting my phone out lol. It's pretty much like a centrifugal force is exerted against the pads. Apparently, the ride can reach a maximum speed of 24 rpm (revolutions per minute, physicists, you know what I'm talking about ay?) in less than 20 seconds. wtf. lol. At this speed, the force we experienced is equivalent to three times the force of gravity. The force was so strong that I can't even move my body, even I tried to use my body force to move my hands and legs, it couldn't be done. That was how strong the force was to hold us back. Some kids were able move horizontally, as if we're in space.
Time to wrap this chapter up!
Damn, these rides made our knees weak!! And all these adrenaline-infused rush, I have to admit to give thanks to those kiddies rides, if we had started these thrill rides at the start, man we would be soooo gone at the beginning and will most likely feel sick throughout the day! And we ended up praying for our lives after each ride..... that's how shit scared we were :X Throughout these rides, one thing that kept on revolving around my mind was "FUCK!" and thus, screaming sound produced. This time, we were for reals. LOL. Not pretenders anymore. But it's okay, everyone screamed haha XDD
Chapter 3: Food/Showbags/Exploring
Yes, after those high adrenaline rides, man we decided that's enough, scared our hearts out! And off we went, on the chair-lifts to go back! On our way back, we didn't even take a single pictures. Because. The rain stopped when we went on. But. The chairs were soaked. And when we sat on the chairs, our bums just got a free bath lol!!! HURRAY!!!!.... not really.... after we arrived, the sun finally rose! And ya, eventually, our bums finally dried XDD
Went to the showbags alleys to explore around. So many people buying showbags here and there! That's another hit of the Royal Show I guess, it's a show based on rides and showbags and that's pretty much royal show in a nutshell!! Viv went to buy wonka showbag, had loads of sweets in there! :P Nicole and I didn't end up getting any lol.
And by the way, I think I have not stated this at the start, but this was the first royal show I went LOL... considering how long I was in Perth and I never went lol even back in the school days :P
And to actually to think of it.... I don't think I have missed out much back then (even so many people told me back then that I was missing heaps/like the biggest time of my life kind of thing eventhough it comes every year lol!!)... cos I wasn't that brave aka not having a very strong essence of yolo-ing courage as I do now, I won't be going to much of the thrilling rides, I'll be just going there with my groupies and get showbags. Probably won't get as much showbags though cos they're so freaking expensive, only today where we can see majorities were on clearance aka less than or equal to 50% off. So I'm overall glad I chose to go this year haha! XD as I said before, didn't buy any showbags even though they're on sale cos in my opinion, they're not really worth it :P like I would say about 70% of the showbags are all lollies/sweets and you know what these mean? DIABETES. YES. I mean DIABETES. Ya know... you don't want fat/glucose clogged up in your arteries ay? ;) ewwwy by the description of that made me shudder :3
So we walked around and about 4:30pm, Viv had to leave first since she got work! And Nicole and I stayed behind :) Finally, we got icecreams.... just what we craved for earlier in the day haha!
LOL. Today's definitely not my day to take selfie. I looked so gross haha. Photo credits to Nicole :)
*ignore my fat fingers :X* focus on the icecreams. so pure. so delicious. so ohmygod. haha.... I'll stop there... being a bit creeepyyyy...
Pretty cool ay? Sand sculptures can even be created/formed like this! Damn amazing!!!!! :)
Chapter 4: Time to leave :)
Yes, that time came, for us to leave! We left around 5:30ish :) Didn't stay behind to watch fireworks but eh, they're pretty norms lol, no biggie haha. My head was still spinning then, had a terrible headache -.- Then off we went to the city to have dinnerrrrrrrr! Went to Utopia.... hadn't been there in yonks! We so healthy..... being vegeo tonight lol :P We stayed there quite a bit before it was the time to leave and go home. I swear I yawned so much on the way home that I just wanted to go sleep but hadn't shower yet erghh bleurghh..... was sticky all over cos got completely drenched by the rain today, had a "free" hair shower and "free" hair drying trololol at the show :P
So ya here I am, after shower *yawn againnnn*
Overall rating: 8 out of 10
Reason: I wasn't able to give a full 10/10 was because the other two points that I disagreed with were: (a) too much money can be spent in the show aka you have to buy the door ticket to get in then everything in the show itself, you need to pay, for example the rides, kids' rides are cheap but almost all the speed and adrenaline rides are around $10.... pretty pricey.... I won't recommend to go to ALL the rides... can guarantee you that you can spend around 100 bucks just on rides :O And as a student myself, oh man, gotta earn those money back :X
(b) all the stalls there including food are pretty damn expensive! :P Since today was the second last day of the show, most of the showbags were reduced as I mentioned before, but still the amount we have to pay for certain stuffs, the paying rates are way beyond what you can buy outside. For example, one of the many food stalls sell their mount franklin water 600mL for 4 dorra... :X erm okayy...
And also one more pointer, thanks to that awesome someone who reminded me was that it RAINED. Got soaked/drenched unwillingly. Gotta love that moment when it especially decided to drizzle and pour down on us when we were on the nitro ride. Fun moment. Lovely. Extravagant. :3 *being sarcastic if you didn't pick that up :P*
I think I pretty much summed up everything that happened today lol!
Ta for now! :)
PS. Thanks for reading if you have reached here from the top :) *clap clap*
See you all in my next post...
Velene xoxo
I. Almost. Died. Today.
..... like no jokes. HAHAHA.
But hey, I'm still here lolol busily typing away xD
Let's start from the beginning shall we? :)... to see why.... ooh this is getting exciting haha!
3 of us went! So aka me, my cuzzy (Nicole) and my bestie (Vivian)! Bought the tickets early at IGA so only costed $24 each :) or else the door sale is like 27 bucks XD
Way before the show, we planned to meet up at the train station to go together however who know, plan can change even till the last minute haha XD both Nicole and I ended up getting dropped off at the show and Viv had to come by herself by using the train. Since the royal show is pretty damn big, Nicole and I were dropped off at Gate 5, the gate that is located totally opposite end of the royal show compared to the main entrance, and that's where Viv was waiting xD Thus, it was a long walk haha since we were a bit unfamiliar with the setting lol. However, since we were walking, we familarised ourselves with the surroundings and pretty much went "wow" around like everything looked so brilliant that we were like omg we have to find viv fast, so we can do all this LOL XD That was how exciting we were! :D Good feelings!!!!
After a tad confusion with finding each other, finally we found each other!! :D Ahhh that joyous moment :') hehehhehe....
And off we went.......!
Chapter 1: KIDDY LAND
First stop!.... THE KIDDY LAND lol everywhere were kiddies..... and we're like the oldies except parents/grandparents taking care of their kids/grandkids :P Went to the ticket booth, there was a special price of 6 tokens for $30.... pretty good deal so 2 rides for each of us! :D The first ride we went was called, "Traffic Jam", lol it was really funny cos there were so many kids there and we pretended we're like hell scared and stuff cos it spinned. (thus accumulated to the dizziness/headache I had at the end ;P) and we pretended to scream. like literally. scream our asses out. mainly was viv lol and she was recording herself whole way through LOL. And the funniest part was the kids' reactions. They looked at us and went like "wtf is wrong with us" LOL XDD Their expressions. man. No words can perfectly describe it. haha. Like one of the girl, she was like ehh as if the ride is nothing.... kids these days.... lol... swear like when I was a kid back then, I get hell excited of all these rides and stuffs.... I guess these days, kids are more "technologised" with these smartphones/tablets etc that these rides don't attract them much!! Second ride was called "Rockin' Tug", it's like a kiddy version of pirate ship lol, it wasn't that bad lol! And that was it... end of the kiddy land! Looking back, it was an amazing idea to start the show with some kiddy rides cos what we did later.... was more horrific! :P
Chapter 2: The Thrillers!
So after the kiddy land, we made our way towards the thrilling rides and we noticed that it's quite a trek away and it was damn hot!! So we took the chair lift to get there! Below's the collage that portrayed the pictures I took while I was chair-lifting LOL XD
The sky looked fabulous!! :D hehe...
On the last picture (bottom right) shows the speed and adrenaline rides! So intenseee!
Note: The following rides are not in any particular order. I grouped aka collage all these photos I took on my phone and uploaded on here, can't really justify the photo (bit complicato! and cbf too lol :P such dedication) but ya, everything's mixed! :)
"Haunted Dark Ride" was the second ride we went, only Nicole and I went cos Viv's scared of scary stuffs. LOL. That ride was a troll. Not scary. At. All. It's a joke. LMAO. All we experienced were just someone touching us on the back, then a demon-like skeleton figure popped in front of us, and someone said "watch-out!" but all we felt at the end was just a swoosh of some sort of furry thingy on our bare necks!!! XD So ya in my opinion, this ride wasn't worth the money!! :X
Bottom left is called the "Nitro" - we went on this ride before we leave aka the last ride. Dude. It was so intenseee! Viv and I went on it and Nicole filmed it for us! It was raining as well in the middle of our rides so we got even more drenched. Like as you can see in the video below:
(ignore my ugly face and reaction at the end lol I looked so gross! What the heck was I laughing lol I guessed I was so "high" after the ride lmao), we got flung up and down in a swinging rotating action, the pressure was so high that my legs were unwillingly flung upwards, it felt like as if I'm thrown outside and I screamed. so bad. And you know that feeling of both screaming and the high pressure's on you simultaneously? It's pretty sick. Ended up coughing when the ride swung back down! I was even sicker after this ride, mostly was because of the rain.... stupid rain... why you come today/at this stage?!?!
So for the video, I must give credits to Nicole! *Thanks!*Bottom pic: The Nitro when it's flung up-ish :X
BOOSTS - what Nicole and I had after a couple of rides at the start, we were gonna get icecreams but we couldn't find any decent ones near where we were. It was so hot before. Thus it was a great choice. Until. The RAIN came. Lovely. Just plain lovely. And neither 3 of us brought umbrella/s. Even amazing-er! :P We ducked under so many stalls lol :P
More pictures from the chair-lift!

Yes. The wind blew in our way. Thus explained the hair here and there LOL. This was taken on the chair-lift, on the way to the thrilling rides!
Bottom picture: the "Ranger". The first ride we went! It was a 360 degrees of adrenaline pumping action! it was sooo sooo sooooo soooooooo wicked!!!!! At the top of the ride as in I was upside down, I could feel the pressure hitting me so bad, and I was holding on the erm "safety belt"? (no idea what it's called but it's the only word that comes up on my mind), and I was like please don't you dare fall apart. It was a near-to-death experience kind of thing, even worse than anything I've experienced before with near-to-death incidences. One word. Intense. Never again.

WAVESWINGER! Very swinging ride LOL XDD Pretty good, not too bad haha!

"Python Loop Coaster" - the only coaster of the thrilling rides in the royal show! It was alright! Except ears got banged here and there :( It hurts... And they were like put your bag under the seating area. Not safe at all. Cos when it comes to the 360 degrees part, I had to hold my bag so tight in fear of it getting dropped out. And it nearly did. But it didn't :D
Went to Gravitron aswell but didn't end up taking picture of it cos it was raining. Everything's wet thus ceebs getting my phone out lol. It's pretty much like a centrifugal force is exerted against the pads. Apparently, the ride can reach a maximum speed of 24 rpm (revolutions per minute, physicists, you know what I'm talking about ay?) in less than 20 seconds. wtf. lol. At this speed, the force we experienced is equivalent to three times the force of gravity. The force was so strong that I can't even move my body, even I tried to use my body force to move my hands and legs, it couldn't be done. That was how strong the force was to hold us back. Some kids were able move horizontally, as if we're in space.
Time to wrap this chapter up!
Damn, these rides made our knees weak!! And all these adrenaline-infused rush, I have to admit to give thanks to those kiddies rides, if we had started these thrill rides at the start, man we would be soooo gone at the beginning and will most likely feel sick throughout the day! And we ended up praying for our lives after each ride..... that's how shit scared we were :X Throughout these rides, one thing that kept on revolving around my mind was "FUCK!" and thus, screaming sound produced. This time, we were for reals. LOL. Not pretenders anymore. But it's okay, everyone screamed haha XDD
Chapter 3: Food/Showbags/Exploring
Yes, after those high adrenaline rides, man we decided that's enough, scared our hearts out! And off we went, on the chair-lifts to go back! On our way back, we didn't even take a single pictures. Because. The rain stopped when we went on. But. The chairs were soaked. And when we sat on the chairs, our bums just got a free bath lol!!! HURRAY!!!!.... not really.... after we arrived, the sun finally rose! And ya, eventually, our bums finally dried XDD
Went to the showbags alleys to explore around. So many people buying showbags here and there! That's another hit of the Royal Show I guess, it's a show based on rides and showbags and that's pretty much royal show in a nutshell!! Viv went to buy wonka showbag, had loads of sweets in there! :P Nicole and I didn't end up getting any lol.
And by the way, I think I have not stated this at the start, but this was the first royal show I went LOL... considering how long I was in Perth and I never went lol even back in the school days :P
And to actually to think of it.... I don't think I have missed out much back then (even so many people told me back then that I was missing heaps/like the biggest time of my life kind of thing eventhough it comes every year lol!!)... cos I wasn't that brave aka not having a very strong essence of yolo-ing courage as I do now, I won't be going to much of the thrilling rides, I'll be just going there with my groupies and get showbags. Probably won't get as much showbags though cos they're so freaking expensive, only today where we can see majorities were on clearance aka less than or equal to 50% off. So I'm overall glad I chose to go this year haha! XD as I said before, didn't buy any showbags even though they're on sale cos in my opinion, they're not really worth it :P like I would say about 70% of the showbags are all lollies/sweets and you know what these mean? DIABETES. YES. I mean DIABETES. Ya know... you don't want fat/glucose clogged up in your arteries ay? ;) ewwwy by the description of that made me shudder :3
So we walked around and about 4:30pm, Viv had to leave first since she got work! And Nicole and I stayed behind :) Finally, we got icecreams.... just what we craved for earlier in the day haha!
LOL. Today's definitely not my day to take selfie. I looked so gross haha. Photo credits to Nicole :)
*ignore my fat fingers :X* focus on the icecreams. so pure. so delicious. so ohmygod. haha.... I'll stop there... being a bit creeepyyyy...
Pretty cool ay? Sand sculptures can even be created/formed like this! Damn amazing!!!!! :)
Chapter 4: Time to leave :)
Yes, that time came, for us to leave! We left around 5:30ish :) Didn't stay behind to watch fireworks but eh, they're pretty norms lol, no biggie haha. My head was still spinning then, had a terrible headache -.- Then off we went to the city to have dinnerrrrrrrr! Went to Utopia.... hadn't been there in yonks! We so healthy..... being vegeo tonight lol :P We stayed there quite a bit before it was the time to leave and go home. I swear I yawned so much on the way home that I just wanted to go sleep but hadn't shower yet erghh bleurghh..... was sticky all over cos got completely drenched by the rain today, had a "free" hair shower and "free" hair drying trololol at the show :P
So ya here I am, after shower *yawn againnnn*
Overall rating: 8 out of 10
Reason: I wasn't able to give a full 10/10 was because the other two points that I disagreed with were: (a) too much money can be spent in the show aka you have to buy the door ticket to get in then everything in the show itself, you need to pay, for example the rides, kids' rides are cheap but almost all the speed and adrenaline rides are around $10.... pretty pricey.... I won't recommend to go to ALL the rides... can guarantee you that you can spend around 100 bucks just on rides :O And as a student myself, oh man, gotta earn those money back :X
(b) all the stalls there including food are pretty damn expensive! :P Since today was the second last day of the show, most of the showbags were reduced as I mentioned before, but still the amount we have to pay for certain stuffs, the paying rates are way beyond what you can buy outside. For example, one of the many food stalls sell their mount franklin water 600mL for 4 dorra... :X erm okayy...
And also one more pointer, thanks to that awesome someone who reminded me was that it RAINED. Got soaked/drenched unwillingly. Gotta love that moment when it especially decided to drizzle and pour down on us when we were on the nitro ride. Fun moment. Lovely. Extravagant. :3 *being sarcastic if you didn't pick that up :P*
I think I pretty much summed up everything that happened today lol!
Ta for now! :)
PS. Thanks for reading if you have reached here from the top :) *clap clap*
See you all in my next post...
Velene xoxo