Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Natural beauty.

In my opinion, natural beauty is not if someone wears make-up or not. Make-up is a mere accessory and shouldn't accommodate for someone’s beauty. 
Strip a girl of what she wears, her make-up, her looks. And what are you left with? Her mind. Her personality. 
And that is what natural beauty is. The way a girl carries herself, the way she thinks, the way she acts. Anyone can be gorgeous, but if their personality is rude or mean, that person isn't a natural beauty. Just a pretty face. Why is beauty always associated with the way someone looks? Beauty is much deeper than that. 


And OMG. I can't believed I missed today's special moment: 11/12/13 14:15:16pm!!! DAYUUUUM. Good revelation though :')

For all of you out there :)

At one point or another, you’ll feel as if you’re not worthy of someone’s time or you’re just simply not good enough, and there are millions of others out there who share the same feelings. Everyone has insecurities, but wasting your time to dwell on the unchangeable won’t change anything. So stop saying sorry for being who you are. If you want others look beyond your flaws, first you have to love and respect yourself.