Saturday, 5 January 2013


Briefly what happened todaya! :)

- bro got some of the books he wanted at OfficeMax
- went to Fo Guang Shan Temple to pray and some stuff, one staff member encouraged me to join a youth group lol :P and my 'rents were like join it join it cos you know it's a "good" thing and all.... ya so yeah... joined it... :) kinda excited to meet more people.. especially the fact, this group is filled with uni students... so I guess, should be easy to relate...? XD dunno yet lol, met the head/in charge of the group and she told me what it's all about etc etc.... sounded fun... so ya..!
- before work, grabbed a $1 frozen coke from Hungry Jacks... damn good price! (very great especially in this blazing weather lol)

- WORK! :D... and the rest of my famz went to Utopia... again... but without me... :P..... however... they ordered something for me and I had it after work... so sh-weet of them!

- and at last..... I'm in my comfy home! :D 

*lol... today in the car.... I look so.... hmm.... I dunno how to describe leh... someone help?*
(I have such chubby cheeks :O :P)