I’m not the most attractive person out there. Being as flawed as I am, I have a hand full of insecurities that stares right back at me as I look in the mirror, just waiting to devour me alive as I am its pray. And if there is one thing, one thing that triggers me the most, it’s when someone else points out or make jokes about one of my many insecurities. What most people don’t seem to understand is all it takes is one simple remark that could become an everlasting reminder for myself. Whether it be my weight, height, body, or facial features, I consider it offensive, even if they had no intentions of offending me. Yeah, I might not be the most prettiest person out there, I am made of flaws, but I am sewn together by good intentions and I will always know better than to point out someone else’s flaws. Because I can guarantee what is seen to be a flaw by you about another never goes unnoticed by them either. And you’re not any better for making fun of someone else, if anything, it only makes you look like a douchebag.