Thursday, 1 October 2015

Like I said...

Everything I write. Everything I say. Everything I post. Is a part of my story. It’s a part of me. So either you get to know me, or just shut the fuck up before you judge me. You don’t know my life and what I've been through. What gives you a right to judge the life I've been through? I've been kicked, hurt, beatened to the core. Your judgement can’t hurt a single bone in my body. When you've stepped a day in my shoes, saw my whole life story in the flash of your eyes, felt all my pain, learned my secrets, know me inside and out; that’s when I’ll truly be affected by your judgement. Other than that, you don’t know a thing about who I truly am. Don’t judge me by my appearance or on what you've heard. It could be as fake as the person who told you. You’ll just be blinded and deceived in the end.

PS. Happy October everybody! And for those coffee lovers out there, happy international coffee day! :)

PPS. Due to an overflow of requests, I have finally created a foodie adventure account on Instagram.. follow me if you are keen to come on this journey of food hunting with me!
IG: @melon.foodie