Monday, 27 August 2012

So, as I said this morning, this week is a break from uni! :D

I spent this afternoon mainly at home (so inactive, you must be thinking right? XD).

So here's a run-down of what I did today:

- youtube! Watching various videos including beauty, fashion & entertainment (songs/covers/jux music in general!(

- eat! (I needa my fooood!)

- jog! (the only physical activity I did today - 20 minutes jogging in the park that is near my home, thank goodness haha or else, I would have been too lazy to go lol!)

- dramas... as usual! :D

- reviewing dramas in my 3rd blog! ^.^

- played piano! :) My hobby!

- READ a novel! Literally like read read. I loved reading since I was in primary school but I kinda stopped reading when I was in Yr11 or so because of heavy study load and stuffs like that. So ya, I was very happy that I finally picked up a novel and r-e-a-d!♥

That's pretty much it.... so far! XD since today is not over yet haha!


Oh My God....

As I did le drama reviews in my 3rd blog, I thought of since I'm re-visiting dramas I have watched, what other dramas' review should I do... then I went rummaging what I watched in the past :P

And I realised, I watched quite a LOT teehehehe XD

Such a big fan of dramas!♥♥

Feeling like a super badass now! Why? Because I realised I watched 11 dramas last year, during the most important year of high schooling, um I felt average actually - not that bad (in my opinion XD)..... considering I did pretty well in my wace (my opinion again hehe) and I also got into what I really want to do in university :D

I supposed.... not too bad, not too bad right? XD

PS. If your interested in knowing what my 3rd "dramas" blog is offering to you, head to HERE! ;)
HELLO! And yes, I'm talking to you! ;)



I guess most of you juvies would be at skoooool...........


and what else?

some peeps might be at uni/college.......

OH YA! It's the first day of the week again! Thank goodness it's only once a weeek!

But you guys must be wondering, what the hell am I posting so ever freely now considering during this time I would be at uni.......

BUT, yay for me....




LOL JKS......

There's assignments yet need to be completed which are due next week..... eff em el!! :(

Anyway, have a great day all! :D