Monday, 2 May 2016

Announcement peeps!

Taking a break from social media (mainly my facebook page, youtube channel and instagram) for awhile. I have a lot of things to handle on my plate now, especially with work. I want to spend my time investing in what is important to me, working on what I need to do, and being intentional in building friendships in my life with the right people. I lack that, so I’m doing all I can to work toward that. Life is better shared together than if we experience it secondhand from a screen. We need authentic interaction and to be present in each other’s lives. It takes effort. I’m worth it. You’re worth that. Don’t settle for less than the authentic. Find those you can share life with, and truly live it.

“Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.” - Niccolo Machiavelli 

I am attracted to laughter.

If someone smiles often, thinks positively, and can enjoy the small things in life; I am naturally enticed with who they are. I admire someone who can put their cynical and pessimistic thoughts aside and bear through with a sense of humour.
To me, that is everything. I think I’d fall in love with a compassionate person who can laugh through their own tears.