Sunday, 5 October 2014

Had the most busiest study break. ever. Can't believe it's over soon and back to uni tomorrow waaah! D:

Brief jot down points of what happened:
- long weekend: Harmonise Camp
- Tuesday: outing at Royal Show
- Wednesday: outings. again.
- Thursday: outing and working *tired*
- Friday: shopping with mum *hot and tired*
- Saturday: working and friend's party
- Sunday: outing with family
And...... as expected... minimal study was done! :(
Can't believe in about a month time, exams will be here... holy shmoly... I ain't ready yet!

Oh ya, if you have been following my instagram, I have created another blog dedicated to reviewing products and food (eventhough it still is quite empty at the moment), here's the LINK if you don't know! Hopefully I can do more reviews for you all to read, despite my study load!

Ta for now! Catchaa all soon, my lovelies! :)

Velene xoxo