Twas a great week back to Sandakan! :)
I had so much fun! It felt good to go back there to see relatives... but... the weather... on the other hand... doesn't seem to agree with me.... I had so much nose bleeding. Like. No jokes. So crazy. And they were non-stop too.... even worse. >.< *sigh* I haven't even have nose bleed in yonks!!!
Anyway.... besides that.... the main point of actually going back to Sandakan was to attend my cousin's wedding :) roughly saying, it consisted of:
(a) a banquet dinner at the bride's home;
(b) an actual (formal) dinner (from the bride's) at a restaurant where there were heaps of people and my other cousin of mine, named Nicole (one year younger than me) and I were showing people around where they seat.... ya it was quite fun... except that I have an uncle that was very controllable (both Nicole and I can't even stand him LOL) lol he was lecturing us on how to do this and that properly LOL.

Me camwhoring LOL XD
(c) then that night, Nicole and I had to sleep-over at the bride's house - we slept at 1am and we had to wake up at 6am lol to prepare everything aka the bride's makeup and dress and our brief makeups since we were 2 of the 6 bridesmaids! And la di da, it followed the typical chinese wedding traditions... XD
(d) photos! :D
bridesmaids (side view)!
bridesmaids and the grooms-maids.. LOL.
the whole lot :P
(e) then finally, it ended with the groom's dinner... at the saame restaurant LOL... thank god... there were some different dishes :P
In between all these, Nicole and I encountered:
- a "weird" boy haha
- 6 perverted groom-maids (as we called it haha since they were the groom's friends and also we were the bridesmaids and they were the opposties so ya haha XD couldn't think of an actual name to called them lol... but is there one though? LOL)
Before the wedding occasions, there were mixtures of our own gangnam styles parodies, pranking on the neighbours, card games aka bullshit, blackjack and heart-attack, "dares" for those who lost in the card games which reminded me..... I was the first one who lost the first game LOL... how noob haha XD and I had to say "Hi!" to a random guy they (aka Nicole, her bro and my bro) picked XD SO EMBARRO cos he was like "wtf?!" And I was laughing hysterically as well and ya as soon I said hi, I literally was like a superwoman... flied off lol XD so funny haha! So hilarous though and we met him in the wedding couple of times and it was VERY AWKIES since he was staring at me for most of the times (some I found out myself and some Nicole pointed it out to me, she was like, "ooh la la, that guy is looking at u oh.." :P)
THANK GOODNESS I don't think I will ever ever ever see him again haha! :') :P
then ya, the perverted guys - just crazy hilarious moments XD too loong to describe everything here haha but I think you'll get the drift though lol XD

Nicole and I - pics summarised in a collage :) can't wait for her to come to Perth to study hehe XD!
turles and Pudding! :) ♥♥♥
That's pretty much it that I can summarise now, took heaps of pictures (so proud... in just one week haha XD), some are in-between! :)
Hope ya all enjoyed reading this haha! :D
I had so much fun! It felt good to go back there to see relatives... but... the weather... on the other hand... doesn't seem to agree with me.... I had so much nose bleeding. Like. No jokes. So crazy. And they were non-stop too.... even worse. >.< *sigh* I haven't even have nose bleed in yonks!!!
Anyway.... besides that.... the main point of actually going back to Sandakan was to attend my cousin's wedding :) roughly saying, it consisted of:
(a) a banquet dinner at the bride's home;
(b) an actual (formal) dinner (from the bride's) at a restaurant where there were heaps of people and my other cousin of mine, named Nicole (one year younger than me) and I were showing people around where they seat.... ya it was quite fun... except that I have an uncle that was very controllable (both Nicole and I can't even stand him LOL) lol he was lecturing us on how to do this and that properly LOL.

Me camwhoring LOL XD
(d) photos! :D

(e) then finally, it ended with the groom's dinner... at the saame restaurant LOL... thank god... there were some different dishes :P
In between all these, Nicole and I encountered:
- a "weird" boy haha
- 6 perverted groom-maids (as we called it haha since they were the groom's friends and also we were the bridesmaids and they were the opposties so ya haha XD couldn't think of an actual name to called them lol... but is there one though? LOL)
Before the wedding occasions, there were mixtures of our own gangnam styles parodies, pranking on the neighbours, card games aka bullshit, blackjack and heart-attack, "dares" for those who lost in the card games which reminded me..... I was the first one who lost the first game LOL... how noob haha XD and I had to say "Hi!" to a random guy they (aka Nicole, her bro and my bro) picked XD SO EMBARRO cos he was like "wtf?!" And I was laughing hysterically as well and ya as soon I said hi, I literally was like a superwoman... flied off lol XD so funny haha! So hilarous though and we met him in the wedding couple of times and it was VERY AWKIES since he was staring at me for most of the times (some I found out myself and some Nicole pointed it out to me, she was like, "ooh la la, that guy is looking at u oh.." :P)
THANK GOODNESS I don't think I will ever ever ever see him again haha! :') :P
then ya, the perverted guys - just crazy hilarious moments XD too loong to describe everything here haha but I think you'll get the drift though lol XD

Nicole and I - pics summarised in a collage :) can't wait for her to come to Perth to study hehe XD!

That's pretty much it that I can summarise now, took heaps of pictures (so proud... in just one week haha XD), some are in-between! :)
Hope ya all enjoyed reading this haha! :D