Sunday, 10 May 2015

The problem with me is that no matter how bad I want to talk to you, I'll never make the first move because I have too much pride and I’m stubborn as fuck.

Had a dnm talk with one of my baes recently about this, she is the first person to give me a totally different advice on how to approach this X situation, from her advices, they definitely reinforced my views and certain beliefs, for example, what passed was the past. Continuing to live every day to the fullest as it's a blessing to be alive in this world x

PS. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there!
PPS. I did a review on Laneige Power Essential Skin Refiner on my beauty blog!
PPPS. I too did a snack review of Tokyo Banana Original!

Have fun reading! ;)


My mummy has a default grumpy face 24/7 and it's really rare to see her smile.