Thursday, 7 January 2016

I am the type of child to hold everything in, always.

I’ll let you speak out all you want and everything at me. I’ll let you have your say. I won’t stop your judging and assumptions. Bark at me, bite at me, break me all you want. You like to see me bleed out everything, so do it, I am letting you. The one that will cry only in the darkness corners alone. The one that will break once she’s alone. I am the type that has thoughts that run and crash in her mind. The mind that is a victim of the soul. The mind that has a voice but is cowardly genuine to let out. What will it do anyways, it’s not going to change your parental ways, it’ll only make things worse.

I can't do this anymore. Suicidal thoughts come running back to me again. Death is the solution. 

Failed many times, but there won't be anymore.

Tomorrow is the day. 

Time to choose a place.

Night is the best time.

Goodbye earth.

I'm sorry to all the people that love me, but I have enough.

To those who hate me, I know for the fact that you all will be happy and rejoice for I will be gone.