Sunday, 13 January 2013

Ya... didn't do a post yesterday cos I was so tired and I slept really late..... around 2am.... reasonable? XD

Wanna go on some adventure (it's another rant-ing post!), if your interested, click ME ME ME ME! hehe.....

Moving on....... about today's post.... wanna read about it.... then enjoy and continue reading! :D

This morning was such a TOTAL JOKE.

Let me tell youse all about it..

I knew that today's the day that I catch up with Viv and some other asian people that I have met twice/quite several times..... and last night before I headed to sleep which was 2am, I did a quick plan-out when to take the bus and the train and such and such so that I arrive on da right time :P soo all was good..... that's what I thought in the middle of the night..... before... realising the biggest mistake I had.....was that...... I totally forgot today's Sunday..... which meant... different bus times.... I WAS LIKE F**K and I had to stand there for like around 15mins-ish... *palm to da face* and I was like so nervous that I was gonna be late and all and everyone have to wait for me and stuff (which is rude) :P thank god, I arrived at the city on da dot..... but..... I realised that they already waiting in front of the restaurant already lol since there were heapza people so I scurried over there...... and indeed, there. were. so. many. people. typical. Sunday. lol. to. have. yumchaaaaaaaaaa.!

To get a table in the restaurant (there were 6 of us - 5 girls and 1 guy lol) and start munching..... guess how long we have to wait? The time to wait is insaneeeeely long! You'll have your jaws drop when you hear this........ it takes 45 mins to reach us.... we were soooo hungry! :X when we heard our numbers, we were like omg thank god! It was literally like, "FOOD...... WE'RE HERE!" LOL :P
We ordered so many haha XD and ended up so fulllllllll! :P

oh yeshh... we stalk little kiddies LOL JOKES....... one of the snapshot taken by Viv! (Credits to her haha!) *edited the photo :P*

Afterwards, we walked around considering we were so damn full... and thus.. walked to utopia.... and had bubbleteassssss lol XD I ordered rose tea with choc sagos (yummay!) while Viv had passionfruit tea with sagos! I wanted to order passionfruit as well since I hadn't have it in agessssss..... but when I found out it contained seeds...... eeek.... I hate seeds in my drinks.... and I dunno why eventhough people said you can just swallow it and pretend it's not there or anything..... but ain't worked for me :( I feel it :P

Then, we walked to the city (were at northbridge - the asian side of Perth! XD)! Watched a performance! Real damn goooooooooood! Very entertaining, I should say! :D

Walked around Myer and that's pretty much it, then we went home since half of us have work!
Below's the picture of us girls! :) It looked like we are promoting the cooking bowl haha! XD We totally should deserve to be in the Myer magazine next time LOL! (again, photo credits to Viv!)

So ya, a great day! :D
Selfie for today! :) *the only one photo I took today lol*

Stay tune with le YOPPIE! :D We shall catch up very sooooon indeeeeed and more pictures await for youse all! :)

And that's pretty much today's post! ^.^
Catchaaa all later! xoxo

#noob #asian #camwhore #today