Friday, 25 December 2015

So many times have I felt as if no one gets me.

I feel as if no one truly can understand why I am the way I am, or why I do things the way I do. I guess a lot of people feel this way, wonder this way, and ask themselves why or how. Why did this happen, why did that happen, why am I feeling the way I am?

I think most people in their lives at one point or another, have felt like they were walking on a cold-isolated path. A path where only their footsteps on the ground were to be seen. A path where lights started to fade away as the passage got narrower. A path where they felt as if they were alone like they had no one to talk to, no one there that would listen and no one there to offer a hand.

But if only, it wasn't this way. It shouldn't have to be this way if maybe us individuals took the time to actually understand each other without judgement, we could have realise that we are not so alone after all.