Had a bad start to the day :(
House-cleaning this week - so much stuff to do and prepare.....
Was cleaning at my bro's room cos I had to, totally unaware of one of the cupboard he had. ..with the pointy edges and bam, as I stood up it stabbed to my precious head eeeeeeek :'(
And ya, you know what happens next right?............ blood and it bloody hell hurts as! T.T
My head still hurts now >.<
Oh ya, nearly forgot to mention....... I received a super early Christmas present from Vivian hehe yesterday since I had a YOP day: more on what we did, check it out at HERE! - purple sunglasses. .. my first one hehe! :) moreover, finally received my hello kitty purple earphones!! Yay! 2 more purple collections for me.... yeow! Amazingggg! :)

Obviously with all the cleanings I gotta do, I had my precious breaks too hehe ;)
So I went experimenting with all the apps on my s3 hehe.... love the more availability of apps I can actually try LOL XD anyway, amongst these apps, one of them has all the Korean dramas - past and present hehe :) woohoo! Additional stuff to do this holidays.... if I'm stuck at home haha... yeow!
Look at my dramas reviews (if your interested :P), the link is HERE.
Had crackers on another break.... le great..... with my dipping sauces hehe! :D
The pumpkin one...... words can't explain how much I love it. Seriously. Try it if you ever come across one hehe ;)
The olive one..... likewise and also the avocado one haha!
But I gotta say, eventhough I love all these dips, I must say, the pumpkin dip is definitely my favourites of all! :D
Dinner - bbq flavoured maggis - simple, yet delicious as always, never fail me hehe ;) Good job, Maggis hahahahaha! XD
Ya, that's pretty much about it..... so far....
I guess now I'm off to more.......... D-R-A-M-A-S!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥