Friday, 2 October 2015

What if?

The thing about "what if" is that that’s all it is. A thought, a wish, a dream, a hope, thing that gets you through the day until you can lay in bed and just think, “what if.”

"what if…" anything and everything follows after that. Maybe it’s about your looks, the way you act, how you wish you could be more confident. Maybe it’s about how you wish that everything would just be better and easier.

These what if-s…they give you hope that someday it’ll get better. That everything will just lift the weight off your shoulders. But what if that weight could be lifted by yourself? YOU have the power within yourself to change how everything is. That seems weird coming from someone you don’t even know, and I know that you can’t make someone put down the bottle, leave the person they’re with, whatever it is.

But you can take care of yourself as much as you can. Sometimes we get so caught up in the fullness of our lives that we kinda forget to take care of ourselves. Maybe that means just sitting alone for 15 minutes and breathing. It could maybe perhaps to watch your favorite show and have a good laugh. For me, it’s having a cup of tea, play piano and just stop thinking. Or maybe you can always sleep it off.

For me, I keep hoping that everything will get better in time, I have hope for relationship and people. I have hope. Somewhere down the line, I tell myself to keep hope and that I need to take care of my life, and that if it doesn't work out, then that’s okay.

What if we took care of ourselves for a change?
What if we use some of that energy we spend on wishing for change to heal our own wounds?
What if we loved ourselves more?
What if tonight you find some inner peace that was long gone?

What if....?

It is not a question to be asked.
It’s about having hopes on things that we’re about to give up but we won’t.