Monday, 16 May 2016

She paints her nails black to represent her soul and she locks herself in her room every night in hopes someone would check on her.

The truth is quite simple, no one is going to come knock on your door when 3am strikes and your sleeves are stained red.

The truth is those black nails are a failed attempt to represent something that isn’t even there.


  1. can i tell you a secret? i was happiest when death was constantly on my mind, because i loved like i could never get hurt, i laughed like i could never laugh again.. i sought out each day as if it was my last. I was so alive I craved death, i could almost taste it. but now i feel dead, without suiicidal thoughts, craving to be alive. please, make some sense out of this. which is better? which is worse? why must suiciidal thoughts make someone feel so alive. but without it, make someone dead

    1. Death is a strange thing. I feel like it’s one of those things where everyone knows it’s going to happen, but they don’t truly comprehend it. You know each day isn’t guaranteed yet at the same time it feels like tomorrow is always going to be there. If people actually understood the meaning of death then they would live their lives a lot differently. I don’t know what to tell you and reading your message made me really sad. I guess we are all a little dead inside, aren’t we?
      Just take it one day at a time and hope that it gets better, because it really does. I’m not saying you’ll be completely happy because I don’t know that you will, but I know for a fact you won’t always be in the same place you are now. Don’t give up on yourself just yet.
