Saturday, 14 May 2016

I am so good at finding the worst in myself that I can’t even remember the last time I’ve ever said anything nice about myself. So if there’s anything I’d like to take the time to applaud myself for right now, it would be not letting my emotions overcome me and acquiring the discipline to not lash out and act solely upon my feelings when certain times call for it. Yeah, we’ve all been tempted to cry, yell, scream, put people on blast, or hell, even fight somebody in attempt to “put them in their place,” but after being put in so many rough situations last year, I’ve learned to think more rationally and realise that not every situation calls for a reaction. Sometimes you just gotta let people do what they do, think what they think, say what they say, and all that’s left to do on your part is shut your mouth and learn to hold your peace. Life goes on, and it is definitely way too short to let sadness or hatred consume you, so why waste time or feelings on things/people that don’t do anything but bring you down? Because if you do react, you only give satisfaction to the other party whilst hurting yourself in the end. This will be a constant reminder to myself.

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