I don’t really care what you think or say about me. I can be too loud sometimes, sometimes too hypo and on some occasions I am really quiet. Whatever I do is none of anyone’s business unless I say it is so. No one has the right to judge me or my family and friends. We do not live to please you nor would we ever consider changing to satisfy your thirst of downgrading us. Our egos will only grow as you try everything to bring us down. You either love me or you hate me that is for you to decide. I don’t like fake multiple personalities, I only have one and I am proud of it. I do not always know what I am doing and may not always make the right choices, I am not perfect. No one is. I learn from my mistakes and I am grateful for the people in my life who love and care for me, they are the only ones that I need, the ones I live for. So your judgmental eyes don’t shake us. You are societies bitch, you, my dear are a clone of all the inconsiderate, attention-seekers, unappreciative, stupid jerks in the world.
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