Friday, 23 August 2013

hey hey hey :)

hello my readers! :) how've you all been lately? going smoothly, I hope?

Well in my instance, let's explore hat happened these past few days/weeks I been away from blogging...

- back to study life cos uni started.... and it's week 3 already... omg! :O
- already ~1.5 month that I haven't drink bubbletea.... woohoo... such accomplishment ay? ;)... so far lol :P
- dealing with a so-called dilemma. so freaking frustrating. and that's where my stress came from. :( *sigh* life can't be all ups, I guess, this is just the period of time when the rollercoaster is going down, I believe it will go up, it won't stay down there for ages, that I solemnly hope for! It will pick up its original speed and fly up!! It's a bit complicated and long story to explain in this post, thus only summarised like that above.
- besides from the "down" period of time I'm experiencing, there's also other aspects of my life going pretty decently well :) eg things I don't really expect to happen so soon.... happened. Such is life~~ So mysterious as ever..... :P I've made the decision not to exploit/tell this so-called example yet, but I will one day, so don't worry haha..... won't keep youse all in the dark for long lol :P Just only a matter of time... lol to be honest, I don't really want the whole world.... lol so dramatic... but nah, I meant those who are reading my blogs/keeping an update on here or and/or any other social medias I use know this issue lmao. It's an "up" thing and that's all I'm saying... XD moving on....
- Ball's tomorrow night (Saturday), it's a WAPSA one :) It'll be the first one I go since I didn't last year haha a couple of friends and I bailed it last minute lol but this time we're dedicated to go lol. I'll take pictures on my phone haha then I'll do a post on it after the ball! Probably most will be selfies lmao. Be sure to check on my instagram page if you want the most recent pics of tomorrow night... as I'll be likely to upload my photo/s there! :)
- have one assignment due next Friday, halfway there! Thank goodness, no need to reference haha! Referencing is definitely not my thing at all! LOL. I love writing reports/essays and just creative writing in general, but just not referencing, they're... just... ewwwwwww..... Then an etest coming up soon tooo, gotta start revising!!

So apart from that little itsy bitsy here and there, that's pretty much all for now! ^.^

Catchaaa all later!

See youse all in my next post... which is on da ball! So look forward to it haha XDD

Ciaooo! :)

Velene xoxo

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