Thursday, 12 April 2012

Steps I need to take to become a happier person :)

1) Quit complaining. I realised I do complain and whine a lot. The more I complain about the “bad” things going on in my life, the more I overlook my blessings and all the great things. I have no real reason to complain right now anyways. I have an amazing family and amazing friends. That’s all I need.

2) Quit being sad over stupid stuff. The only things I should really give a care or EVER cry over are my family, my closest friends, and uni. Drama is dumb and childish. All there is to do is suck it up and move on with my life.

3) Quit striving for “perfection.” Most of my insecurity comes from my horrible habit of comparing myself to others. No matter how hard I try, I’m never gonna look like she does, have an IQ like hers, an amazing body like her, talent like her, etc. I may have a lot of flaws and I’m nowhere near perfect, but I have my strengths. Focus on those. Oh, and learn to take a compliment for goodness sake.

4) Be realistic about your standards. Is it better to set low standards and settle for less than your best? Or to set high ones but set yourself up for disappointment when you can’t achieve what you want? For now, I need to learn to balance them so I don’t end up disappointed either way.

5) And lastly, loosen up. Hah. I admit I’m not as “good” or “innocent” as most people think I am, but I can be a pretty meticulous, paranoid person when it comes to some things. I just wanna do something crazy and completely out of my boundaries since I’d hate to look back on my life when I’m older and be like, “Oh, I should’ve ______, but now it’s too late to ever experience that.” And because YOLO (You Only Live Once). … Just kidding.

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