Friday, 30 April 2021

It is okay to be upset over it but don't stay there for too long because..

... you deserve better than how you were treated.

You deserve so much more than the cards you’ve been dealt and I know it seems hard right now but it’s okay to continue moving forward and you owe it to yourself to do so.🤍

PS. Take care of yourself today and be compassionate to your mind and body.

Thursday, 29 April 2021

It is okay to ask for help.

Somewhere along the way someone made you feel like it’s a bad thing to ask for help but it’s not and it’s never too late.

Asking for help doesn’t make you weak, it doesn’t make you lose credibility and it doesn’t make you any less of who you are.

Also, I know that social media and some of the people around you may make it seem like they have it all figured out but nobody really does and that’s okay! So don’t be afraid to ask when you need it because there is always someone ready to lend a hand.

PS. I know I try to stay positive on here but today I’m feeling absolutely drained 🥺 I’m going to try my best to do little self care things throughout the day and I hope you do so too for your own well-being. Sending love🤍

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

I know someone broke your trust and it's hard to let people in but this world is too heavy to carry on your own. It's okay to trust again.

Trust. Trust is something that takes a lot to build up but is so easily broken. Personally, I feel that I try to always look at life as “what’s meant to be will be”, “it needed to happen that way for better things” “there’s a lesson” etc. I believe this positive outlook has helped me in a lot of ways because I have definitely grown so much and deserve better than some places I’ve been but at the same time I didn’t realise that in always moving forward I begun to not trust anyone anymore. I began to question when good things happened to me and always felt the need to over-complicate something simple because it was too good to be true.

I still struggle with this now but I’m aware of it, whereas, before it was in my subconscious that I was doing so.

If you’re feeling the same way, just know that it’s not your fault that you have a hard time trusting, it was your circumstances that led you here. But also know that, you deserve to trust again and it’s okay to do so because this world is too heavy to navigate on your own and not everyone is going to break your trust. Rooting for you, as always🤍

PS. The world may be too heavy to carry but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve the world, because you do.🤍

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

The destination may seem far but you are going to get there.

Stay consistent and trust the process.

Sometimes we know exactly what we want and know what we have to do to get there but it seems so far away and makes us think it’s unreachable. You deserve to reach every goal you set out for yourself and the journey may seem lonely but the destination is attainable. Trust the process even when you feel like there’s no progress because there is and it’ll be worth it.🤍

PS. I hope you can use this as motivation and a reminder that you got this and are so deserving of reaching your goals 🤍 rooting for you! 

Monday, 26 April 2021

Good things are meant for you too.

You deserve good things too and they are meant for you even on the days you feel like you don’t deserve them. Rooting for you🤍

PS. Make sure you remember to breathe when things get overwhelming and treat yourself today.

Sunday, 25 April 2021

Self-doubt will only lead you to staying somewhere you don't belong, instead..

 .... start believing in yourself and watch how far you go.

You can achieve anything you want and the biggest block sometimes, is yourself. A lot of the times we want to accomplish something but the fear of our own potential may hold us back. You can and will accomplish what you set your mind to. 

So stop self doubting and stop self sabotaging. You deserve to reach your dreams and it all starts with one tiny step. You got this!🤍

PS. It’s time to stop settling for what makes you unhappy and reach for the dreams you actually deserve!

Saturday, 24 April 2021

It needed to happen this way right now for reasons you will understand later on.

Do you ever find yourself asking, “why me?

I know you didn’t deserve it and I know it might not make sense why this is happening to you right now but it will make sense one day. 

Trust the process and choose you each time 🤍

PS. Self love is so important so choose you, the more you do so, the less their opinions matter 🤍

Friday, 23 April 2021

Maybe this isn't your ideal outcome but maybe...

... it needed to be this way to save you from something worse.

I know you were hoping it would have worked out another way but maybe it needed to happen this way to save you from something worse down the road. I guess we will never know and I guess it’ll always be a “maybe” but find comfort in knowing that maybe it’s better that you didn’t have to find out that way. Trust the process, you’re being protected.🤍

PS. Find comfort in knowing that what “could have been” never happened for reasons that are in YOUR favour.🤍

Thursday, 22 April 2021

Don't be afraid to put your mental health first.

It’s so easy to take care of the rest of the world but why do we hesitate to take care of ourselves first?

Somewhere along the way, someone or something made you believe that your mental health isn’t a priority and I’m here to remind you that IT IS. 

Don’t be afraid to put your mental health first and take care of yourself. I promise it’s okay! The right people will always understand and the wrong people don’t deserve a place in your life. Your mind and body deserve the same compassion you give others.🤍

PS. I know it’s scary to think that you’re worthy of giving yourself all the love you offer to others but you are and if only you could see yourself from my eyes because I promise you’re worth too much to not love yourself.🤍

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

It is okay to make mistakes,

 It is okay to be upset.

But it is also okay to forgive yourself.

It is okay to grow.

It is okay! You have grown so much from where you used to be so why are you still being so hard on yourself? This is your first time navigating this life and you didn’t know better at the time. 

Forgive yourself. you know it as much as I do that we can’t go back and change where we’ve been but you get to choose where you’re heading.🤍

PS. It is also important that I mention it’s time to stop blaming yourself for the mistakes that weren’t yours to carry, alright? I’m sorry they made you believe it was your fault, it wasn’t.

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

It is okay to miss someone and still recognise you deserve better than who they were to you.

This is such a complicated feeling because you have some days where you understand you deserved better and aren’t willing to settle for who they were to you but then you have other days where you miss them a little more than usual and you wish they were still in your life. Both are okay! Both are apart of moving forward and healing. It’s a complicated feeling but it’s important to acknowledge it. Rooting for your inner happiness and peace.🤍

PS. I hope it becomes easier to understand why things happened this way for you and I hope you reach a point where you are at peace with how things worked out. 

Monday, 19 April 2021

You are going to get through this and it is going to be worth it.

I feel like right now especially, everyday just seems like it is not going to change but it will, you deserve the world and even on the days you feel like it is going to be hard to overcome this, just know you will and all of your efforts are going to be worth it.

You are not alone in feeling this way and I know that social media and people around you may make you feel like everyone but you is progressing but that’s not the case! You’re doing great and you’re going to get through this 🤍

Sunday, 18 April 2021

Stop blaming yourself for the mistakes that weren't yours to carry in the first place.

I know someone convinced you that it was your fault and maybe you convinced yourself too but deep down it wasn’t. Deep down you know that and it’s time to stop blaming yourself for mistakes that weren’t yours, it’s time to let go of always being the one to take the fall. 🤍

Saturday, 17 April 2021

You are enough. Stop thinking otherwise.

You are enough. 

I know how easy it is to compare yourself to others and feel like you aren’t good enough but you are and anyone who has made you feel like you’re not, doesn’t deserve you. I hope you know that.

PS. Stop comparing your journey to someone else’s, you are on different paths for a reason. Make sure you are kind to yourself today.

Friday, 16 April 2021

Stop breaking your own heart by choosing others over yourself.

You have spent so long choosing others over yourself and it has led to a lot of moments of heartbreak you didn’t deserve to go through. 

It’s time to choose you, for you. 

You deserve it. Seriously!🤍

PS. I am rooting for your happiness and sending you lots of love, be kind to yourself today and trust your intuition 🤍

Thursday, 15 April 2021

It is easy to think about what could have been, but don't forget...

 ..... to be grateful for what it is.

In the midst of wondering how things could have turned out and feeling that resentment and hurt, remind yourself of how things did turn out and why you’re grateful they did this way. You know it better than anyone, even if it hurts.

As much as I know things happen for a reason I still can’t help but hold on to the regret of how some things could have been but it’s important I remind myself they didn’t work out that way for a reason and is there is so much better for me, even if it hurts to acknowledge right now. So if you’re feeling the same, I hope this gives you comfort and opens your eyes to why it needed to be this way 🥺🤍

PS. Take this as a reminder to put your mental health first today and do at least one kind thing for yourself 🤍 

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Give yourself more credit for...

 .... pulling yourself out of that dark mental place.

It's not easy and yet here you are doing it.

We often overlook how hard it is to put YOURSELF out of that dark mental place because there’s nobody but you that can do it. Sometimes it’s easier to stay there than it is to actively work on getting out and I’m proud of you for doing it all on your own. 

Self motivation end self healing is so hard to do when self sabotage is involved yet you push through it everyday and it’s hard and you’re doing it so be proud of yourself too. Rooting for you to make it out and find true happiness 🤍🥺

My tip for you is to: Take it day by day!! I know you’re stressed and overwhelmed but remember to just be patient with yourself and only focus on one thing at a time🥺🤍🤍

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Do not waste your only life catering to people who make you feel miserable.

If you relate to this it’s because you’re a kind, empathetic and caring person. 

You always put people before yourself and want them to be happy even if it’s at the expense of your own happiness.

I know it’s hard but you need start being kind, empathetic and caring to your own self.

This is the only life you have, why would you waste it being miserable?

Monday, 12 April 2021

Do not let the desire of perfection lead you to procastination.

Stop waiting to do something because you’re scared the outcome won’t be what you desire. 

Sometimes wanting perfection is exactly what holds you back from unlocking your potential.

Things in life are imperfectly, perfect. 

Do what you’re meant to do without the fear of failing and it will change your life.

Sunday, 11 April 2021

Stop feeling guilty for putting yourself first.

Your future self will thank you for it.

The person you are one year from now will either thank you or resent you for the choices you make now. 

Choose wisely.

Saturday, 10 April 2021

Do not let the fear of failing hold you back from starting.

Stop holding back because you’re afraid of the outcome. 

Just start. What’s the worst thing that can happen?

Another reminder for me as I've decided to stop fear controlling me and charging forward for a new pathway soon.

Friday, 9 April 2021

It is okay to still wonder how they are even if it is no longer your place to ask.

Sometimes, the one you love the most, is the one who left your life for reasons you can’t understand or don’t want to understand.

It’s okay to still wonder how they are even if they hurt you. It’s okay to want the best for them. It’s okay to sometimes wish you still had access to them enough to ask if they’re okay.

Other times, this is why you hold on to them even though you know it’s time to let go.

Will they be okay without me?

Will I be okay without them?

Are two questions you find yourself asking because you don’t want to lose access to this person when it’s all said and done.

But remember, it’s okay to still love them and put yourself first.

Often times, when you love someone; you will always care about them and want to make sure they’re okay. And that’s okay.

Remind yourself it’s okay to let go, and it’s okay to still wonder how they are.

Just remember to ask yourself the same question, too. How are you?

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Stop waiting for "the right time", there is no such thing.

I’m guilty of this myself. 

In your life, you’re going to be in situations where you want to so badly do something but it seems like it isn’t the right time. Often times, you’re lying to yourself because the truth is, you’re just scared

The truth is, I’ve lost the people and things I loved the most because I was afraid of the moment and using timing was the perfect excuse. But what I’ve learned is, that moment never finds you again.

So stop waiting for the right time and just do it. It’s better to know the outcome than to spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been.

You’ll be fine, I promise 🤍

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

It is okay to be sad after making the right decision.

 The right decision doesn’t mean the easy decision. Honestly, most times we’re so accustomed to our regular routines and being comfortable that it’s hard to say goodbye, it’s hard to put yourself first and it’s hard to leave when the only thing you want to do is stay.

The right decision is never easy. That’s WHY it’s the right decision. 

It’s okay to be sad, it’s going to be hard, but your future self will thank you. I promise 🤍

Tuesday, 6 April 2021

it is time to cut off people who leave you feeling worse about yourself.

A genuine person in your life should not be jealous of you. If they are, there are aspects of their own life that cause them to be this way. Unless they start to take accountability for it and fix those shortcomings; they don’t deserve to be in your life. Cut them off.

Monday, 5 April 2021

It still hurts.

Don’t be hard on yourself for still being hurt. 

Healing is a process that takes a lot of time and is filled with many ups and downs.

Sunday, 4 April 2021

Stop comparing your lows to their highs. Social media is not real.

 Nobody’s life is perfect; but a lot of people are guilty of making their life SEEM perfect.

And this is what I have been doing, how it kept me sane, how I'm now being authentic and real with what brands I work with and be shown over at my beauty page, if you haven't follow me yet, please do so over at: 

Saturday, 3 April 2021

Find patience in your darkest moments.

 This is honestly one of the hardest things to do but you need to know things are happening this way right now for a reason and continue to hold on to hope and be patient because that’s how you find the light again.

Friday, 2 April 2021

This is the sign you have been asking for.

 In our most lost, confusing and challenging moments we always ask for a sign. 

Maybe this is yours. 

Maybe this is the sign you need to leave, this is the sign you need to know they will come back, this is the sign you need to know everything will be okay. Whatever it is, maybe this is the sign you’ve been asking for.

Thursday, 1 April 2021

Do not forge it. Instead, remember it all and overcome it.

If you do not overcome it, you will never be able to grow from it.

Often times, trauma or heartache consumes our thoughts to a point where we wish we could just forget it all and move on. 
But one of the most important things I’ve learned is if you try to forget it, you’ll never be able to learn or grow from it. So instead “remember it all and overcome it”. #itsokaynottobeokay

Remember, everything you want is on the other side of fear. It is okay to take a break when life gets overwhelming but don't let fear hold you back from what you want.