Happy new year everyone.. (well to those who're still here)! I'm a bit late with the new year greeting because I have involuntarily took some time to unplug from blogging for the holidays. On top of that, I've been feeling a bit stuck in a creative rut over at my beauty blog - if you aren't sure what I'm talking about - here's the link to refresh your mind:
I hate that I feel this way and I feel so much guilt every week because I know I'm letting a lot of people down over there. I hate that I haven't been on my A game last year and so I swore to myself that even I don't blog, I still have to at least post on instagram (
https://www.instagram.com/melon_yu) daily, which has been achievable so far and I really want give a HUGE thank you for constantly supporting me despite anything.
Pushing from the negatives above, I swear that's the last!
2017 was quick. But 2017 was healing. It was realising that after all the damage done in 2016, I can still be okay. And that throughout my life, I will fluctuate in my ‘okay-ness’ and that’s completely okay.
I’ve started 2018 with a clear mind, clear goals and a heart ready for anything this year holds!
I pray we all find ourselves abundantly blessed and favoured this year and find joy even when we feel like we’re not.
Reflecting on last year, these are the lessons I've learnt -
This year has taught me that you/I/we cannot be broken. 2016 was my relapse year. I promised myself end of 2016 to live bravely in 2017. I've learnt that bad days will come around more often than you would like and are sometimes so paralysing that I forget what it is I am living for but yet, here I am today - alive, breathing, hoping; optimistic about the new year because while yes, it might take time and effort and sometimes tears, I know (we) will always bounce back after hitting the ground
but it is up to (us) to make that commitment and vow to keep trying.
- There is only so much others can do to help you because the rest is really up to yourself.
It sounds like we are all alone in this world right? But no we're not, we're all in this together. What I truly meant, is that there's only so much saving other people can do for you. Growing up, I have this romanticized belief that there is someone out there who can "save" you from yourself - like a prince charming saving his damsel in distress. But that's not the reality. I've had many people - family, friends, strangers - who have tried. You can go see so many doctors, therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists (the list goes on)... you can pour your heart and soul out to friends, family, strangers... but their help is hopeless if you can't help yourself first. It's not easy... because this is the reality.
- Life gives you opportunities even when your world is breaking apart.
I can't stress this enough, yes eventhough what ever is happening in your shoes right now, whether it be relationship breakup, fights or just your world is tearing apart, let it be known that, there are new doors out there waiting for you to open, it’s just about getting out of bed and going for them (literally). There have been many opportunities that have come my way in 2017. Opportunities that would not have presented themselves if things had not turned out the way they did. These opportunities were my saving grace. Had I not found the willingness to go for them, I would feel more lost than I currently do.
Yes, there are many things in life that are beyond our control. But I think we often forget that there are things that we can control. Like our ability to make decisions. To go out and try new things. To be brave and find that fleeting seconds of courage and take that leap of faith.
- Cut the negatives and cherish the positives
Yep quite frankly as the statement above, I've completely remove all the negative people since the start of last year - those people that you know don’t wish you well, that you know are secretly happy when you fail. Those selfish, manipulative people who expect you to bend over backwards for them but won’t lift a finger for you. Letting all that go was truly a blessing in disguise and I can't be more grateful for the leap of faith I've decided to do. It has made me cherish those who are truly there for me, who inspire me everyday to be better.
Tip: Burn the bridges if you need to. It’s not a destructive habit. Sometimes, it’s the most constructive burning you will ever do. And I've learnt that it is not a bad thing at all because burning bridges saves you.
And finally,
"Falling in love with yourself first doesn't make you vain or selfish, it makes you indestructible"
You have to learn to truly love yourself. Because this is the way you can achieve your inner peace. Be happy and confident with who you are and work on accepting and loving every part of yourself. I promise you, the quality of your life will literally improve by 500%.
In 2017, I have learnt to overcome my insecurities, be confident and spend my energy in things I love, living my life in my shoes, rather than getting influenced by others.
Yep this is it! To be honest, I could go on and on with the individual thing I've learnt, but I've decided to stop here because (a) it's getting quite late and I have work in the morning tomorrow and (b) I have learnt that I am enough for what I do regardless, so if I were asked what I've learnt last year, these will be what I'd answer.
Ending this post with -
Goal for this year: smile more and worry less! Positive vibes (again, yes again for infinite years!) only, bring on 2018!
Hope all your dreams come true in 2018,
Melon x