Saturday, 30 August 2014

Friday, 29 August 2014

Well... yes. I did the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, nominated by one of my friends from Sydney! :P Today was seriously a terrible choice to do it as the weather was HORRIBLE. It was stormy. It was rainy. It was windy. Eww. Worst combinations ever.
Besides the weather, I already had a shitty day starting from the morning where I had an infringement of $100 *FML* and as you can see the video above, the video camera obviously decided to stop recording for some reason :P and thus you can't see my reaction. But my friend, Viv did say it was really hilarious. I did 2 buckets and it was INSANELY FREAZING COLD. #never again#
Not only have I done the challenge, I also have donated too!
After all, it's all for good cause, so please donate! :D
I hope the ALS disease can find its cure asap. To learn more about ALS visit
And if you haven't got nominated, you should definitely join in the fun, donate and spread this awareness!
To be honest, I think this challenge is unnecessary, but it's gotten the whole world's attention and now everyone knows about ALS. So I guess it's a good thing.
Click this (if you can't see the video above): LINK

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

That boy.

We all have that boy. That boy who you’re completely over but you still think about before you sleep. That boy who you avoid talking to, but still wish he would just message just once.That boy who you have to make yourself not think about, but always wonder if he is thinking about you too.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Caught up with Nicole during uni today! :D

We had small portion of lunch as our actual main target in Karawarra was to try out "Berry Me". Twas a good catchup session :) Below's a collage of us selfie-ing all day errrrday and them naicee froyo ;)
Check out what Nicole posted on her instagram - it's a photo of us showing our teeth when we smile, as you all know I rarely smile with teeth, but I do admit, it looks quite nice in this instant haha XD
PS. My eyes look so big and my face is so round! #firstworldproblem #imgettingfatterfeck #whatisdiet #okIshouldstophashtag XD

Monday, 18 August 2014

Judge Me. Go ahead. No one is stopping you. The matter of fact that you already judged me right when you saw me.
Want to know something? Thanks for taking the time to analyse me.
I promise, all you will ever see is the "image" I put for you. I could honestly care less. I've been kicked, pushed, beatened to the core.
Your judgements can’t hurt a single bone in my body.
When you have stepped a day in my shoes, saw my whole life story in the flash of your eyes, felt all my pain, learned my secrets, know me inside and out; that’s when I’ll truly be effected by your judgements. Apart from that, then you don’t know a thing about who I truly am. You don’t mean a thing to me.
Never judge a book by its cover, you are just blinded and deceived in the end.
And to take shit from people. Is that a problem? No, it’s called standing up for yourself.
I treat people the way I want to be treated.
Do me wrong, don’t expect any respect from me.
So really, calling me stubborn because I won’t back down isn’t the right word, I’m just allergic to bullshit.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

I'll be alright. One day. Someday. Just not today.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

It is not easy...

.. Pretending you’re okay when you’re not. Especially when you’re with your close friends. They know you too well sometimes and you don’t want them knowing you’re not okay because you don’t want them worrying. So you just fake smiles all day long, but once you get home you just start bursting into tears. There’s a point where you've held something in for too long and you just can’t hold it in anymore.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

For those who put their relationship first....

... and make it their number one priority. Okay, it’s cool that you want to spend time with your beloved other half and all of that, but don’t forget your friends. You know, the people who have been through with you so much. Don’t think that now since you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, that you’re going to forget and ignore your friends. Because the further you push me away, the more quicker you’re going to lose me as your friend. Don’t think for a second that when you’re having trouble with your relationship, that I will be there for you. Don’t come crying to me when everything gets out of hand. Because I don’t appreciate those who put their friends as second important, or even worse, my existence is only important to you, when you need something or when you need someone. You only need me, when shit happens in your life. When things aren’t going as planned, or when no one else is there by your side. Because you know exactly well, that I’ll always lend you my shoulder no matter what happens. 

Friday, 1 August 2014

First of August already...

Too many times have I encountered with the existence of Mr. and Ms. Temporary. It feels different and weird to see people you once knew, living their lives perfectly fine without you. People who you thought would always be there by your side. The way you used to be so close. You used to talk everyday. You used to share everything. You used to rely on each other. You used to be an important part of each other’s lives.

And now, it’s over.

All the memories are there but now you barely talk. Now... you barely know what’s going on in each other’s lives. Now,... you sometimes have conversations but you run out of things to talk about. You see pictures and notice how everything has changed. And it’s sad.

Maybe it happened to you before. When you lose a best friend, someone whom you love, or a family member, all because of unexpected circumstances. Or a sudden disappearance without an explanation. I know for a fact that it happened to me. Not just once but numerous times, and trust me, it freakin hurts.

So how do we know that our current relationships will actually last? How do we know that our current bonds won’t be more than temporary? Well the truth is, we don’t.
We can’t predict it.
And that’s why sometimes, only sometimes, I feel as if nothing lasts forever in this world. Nothing.