Wednesday, 30 April 2014

I've always been the underachiever when it comes to school. I’m not dumb, nor am I stupid. I’m just unmotivated. I've been limiting myself with the standard of “okay” grades I set for myself, but I know I’m capable of doing better. If only I had the motivation to try harder, and actually forced myself to go a little farther, I could see myself accomplishing so much more.

Monday, 28 April 2014

Sometimes we say and do things a certain way because it’s easier.

It’s easier to say simple things, rather than explaining how we really feel. Most of the time, we can barely explain how we truly feel. Yay or nay haha? Personally for me, it's because sometimes it’s easier to say nothing than "I miss you, I wish we didn't fight, or end things, I wish you were here with me again, I wish you’d call sometimes. Where have you been? Why’d we drift?"
Because sometimes it’s easier to think "Fuck this, fuck life, fuck everything." Rather than admitting that you’re struggling, you’re overwhelmed, or having the sensation feel of drowning.

Because at times, it’s so much easier to admit the simple things. So much easier than saying the more complex things and realising that you've been out of control, and your touch has been complete chaos.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

And just like that... my two weeks of midsem break are over :3
Managed to get quite a lot of study done despite going out and about so much haha :P Back to study mode from tomorrow X) pretty much saying, I won't be blogging much :) but I do update my other social websites as often as I do than here haha :X aka FACEBOOK (I heard it's pretty easy to find me on fb.... say what :X but as I've said before, I don't accept random people cos fb is purely for family and friends, but you can follow me if you want), INSTAGRAM, TUMBLR, WEIBO etc...
If you want to contact me for any particular reason, please refer to this PAGE for more deets :)

Before I leave, I found this rather interesting yet meaningful quote written by Fascinating Wall Street Journal Article:

“Instead of saying 'I don’t have time' try saying 'it’s not a priority,' and see how that feels. Often, that’s a perfectly adequate explanation. I have time to iron my sheets, I just don’t want to. But other things are harder. Try it: 'I’m not going to edit your résumé, sweetie, because it’s not a priority.' 'I don’t go to the doctor because my health is not a priority.' If these phrases don’t sit well, that’s the point. Changing our language reminds us that time is a choice. If we don’t like how we’re spending an hour, we can choose differently.” - Fascinating Wall Street Journal Article

Oh and also lately, I got shown this video (shown below, if you can't watch it, click HERE) It is so racist but like really hilarious haha~ It's been shared around on facebook and stuffs, may as well share it here haha :) sharing's caring lol ;)

Ta for now!
Catcha all next time :)

Velene xoxo

Thursday, 24 April 2014


It’s the one thing I absolutely hate doing. It makes me think of the good, and the bad that’s happened at one point in my life. But most of all, it makes me miss those people who once meant so much to me yet I thought didn't mean much to me anymore. I never thought I’d find myself saying this, but damn.. do I miss all the people I've lost throughout these few years. 

Monday, 21 April 2014



As you have/have not seen, I participated in "Amazing Race" event yesterday, held by YADWA (Young Adult Division of WA: Facebook LINK if your interested :) It was superbly fun but it was exhausted! Walked A LOT. (exercise ✓ for the day haha)
Since it was a Sunday as well, transportation-wise, we have to wait like around 15 minutes to 30 minutes haha, however it wasn't too bad. But other than that, the amazing race itself was great! And to top it off, I was teamed with really nice and funny guys :)

Can't believed that my team won it haha! :D We did all challenges! X) #teamedupwithreallysmartfellas haha #nojokes.

And I must say, dayuuum the committee members did a really brilliant job in setting out the whole challenges, but time factor did dragged on a bit cos some of the challenges were hard to complete haha! We passed ours with a lot of help too from strangers :)

If you want to see what I posted yesterday, click HERE! :)

Today is also a public holiday haha cos of the Easter. Gotta love Australia for public holidays, love how we push public holidays (if they fall in weekends), Monday shall be the holiday :D haha but this doesn't really affect me cos I'm in my midsem break anyways lol :P

And this week is my last week of my break... nooooo :( Have so much things planned for this week as well oopz haha!~ Will be out and about so much haha!

Ta for now!

Velene xoxo

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

You have the right to remain imperfect.

I realised that perfection was just another figment of the imagination. The sooner you realised this, the sooner you could escape it. Until then, you remained a prisoner in a prison cell created by you.
I mean I don’t have the perfect body. I may not have the looks. But I do have a heart, a mind, the brains and the thoughtfulness. 
I am just a perfect imperfection of fragments.

And as you may/may not have seen, I got a new haircut todaaay :) it had been like 2 years since I had front bangs haha..... I remembered how when I was little, I used to have front bangs all the time until I got sick of it and like persuaded my mum through countless ways to grow it into side bangs, which it worked in yr 7, so from year 7 onwards, I've had side bangs.... then on freshman year of uni, I was like damn I missed front bangs, let's do it. The only bad thing I don't like having front bangs is that it grow too fast T.T oh well #yolo We shall see how long is this front bangs are gonna do for me haha :P
Check out my picture on instagram if you haven't! (LINK)
PS. I'm legitly still stoked on how many likes I got in this PIC..... what is this blasphemy :'O *it's like the picture I've gotten the most likes for.. so far, on instagram, this year has been like "whooosh, what just happened".. like I got so many notifications/likes in like 1 minute... say whaat* (and I aint bragging :P ma friends were like "man, you should be hell happy and feel loved, like the most likes I could get on my pictures are like 30 and here you are, with more than 100 likes :/...." seriously, "feel loved" haha.... XP more like "artificial loved" *sigh*
*Update (thanks for someone who informed me :P): this PIC is stealing the spotlight, so far being the most likes D: I just died and come back on earth... lol..

Oh and yea, I'm having my midsem break now *yays*.... actually not really, it's not even a break cos there's exams after break T.T whoever says uni is freedom!!!!!!!? Oh how I missed highschool :X

Ta for now! :)

Velene xoxo

Monday, 14 April 2014

Finding a conversation between you and someone you were close to.. My mind goes through this flash-black of memories instantly, then I start to wonder whatever happened between us that led us to where we are now. Worst thing ever.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Just because I complimented you....

It does not necessarily mean I want to get into your pants, alright? It also doesn't mean that it’s an open invitation for you to start flirting, being completely up yourself or talk to me like as if we’re besties. I hate it when I say something nice to the opposite sex and then all of a sudden, they think I’m interested in them or whatever. Seriously, I compliment nearly everybody, because I think y'all deserve to feel flattered and because well, I’m just nice.